Sunday, 19 February 2012

Movie Hafalan Shalat Delisa...di Aceh sewaktu Tsunami

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Baru je habis tengok cerita ni...sgt menyayat hati!..dan memberi keinsafan kepada semua umat Islam termasuk saye...cerite ni membuke mata saye bahawa kenikmatan hidup di dunia ni boleh lenyap dengan sekelip mata dengan kekuasaan Allah SWT..

Cerite ini jugak membuka mata masyarakat seluruh dunia umumnya supaya menghargai ibu kita :)
overall cerite ni sgt menyayat hati!.....
air mata ku meleleh byk kali tgk cerite ni..

This is a must watch movie sebab byk pengajaran dan iktibar yg boleh diambik :)

Ni sinopsisnya..

Movie Plot
HAFALAN SHALAT DELISA is the movie that tells of december 26, 2004, Delisa with Ummi was getting towards the prayer exam practice when suddenly an earthquake. Quake quite make her mother and brothers fear. Suddenly the tsunami struck, they roll up small villages, rolling up their school, and roll little body of Delisa as well as hundreds of thousands of other in Aceh and other parts of the coast in Southeast Asia.

Smith soldiers rescue Delisa , after days passed out on the rocky hill. Unfortunately, serious injuries make Delisa right leg must be amputated. Her suffering attract pity many people. Abi Usman succeeded in find Delisa. she was happy finally she can be together with her father again, although sad to hear the news that third of her sister has gone to heaven, and Ummi have not caught any where.

Hafalan Shalat Delisa movie trailer...

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