Sunday, 24 July 2011

jonas rivanno :)

I'm reading: jonas rivanno :)Tweet this!
i love this guy so much;he's an actor...he makes my heart melt from the first time i saw him in the internet back in 2010 ;)
he actually reminds me of someone:)
i became a fan of him even more from a few dramas he acted..





btw,he's single now:)...
there was a gossip back in 2010 stating that he is romantically linked to this girl;the girl was his love partner in dramas; nikita & kemilau cinta kamila...*i guess u know who's the girl dat i mentioned*
but unfortunately,the girl is now end up with someone else in real pity,my jonas:(

dis is only my assumption ok guys; i think that he likes the girl more than just a friend lol bcuz i updated their story thru twitter back in 2010...they liked to tweet with each other saying sweet things like couple always do..
so,what is it then?..if they were not a couple back in 2010...

kadang2 sedih jugak baca tweet vanno(jonas) skrg(2011)...die punya tweet semua pasal kate2 motivasi utk lupakan seseorg, pasal sesuatu hal yg berlaku pasti ade sbb, sbb Tuhan sygkan sad:(

although i don't know who is he referring to...but still sad..tabah ye vanno...aja aja fighting!!!
lagipun masih byk bunga kat luar sana yg layak utk awak;)

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