Friday, 17 June 2011

Tak sangka aaron aziz jwb soalan aku...weeee~

I'm reading: Tak sangka aaron aziz jwb soalan aku...weeee~Tweet this!
semalam pukul 3 aku g website tv3 utk chat ngan Aaron Aziz sempena last episode nora elena semalam...
ramai gile org chat ngan die semalam sampai aku kene sepantas kilat tanye soalan yg berade di fikiran ku...


ni die soalan aku kat die,|


tunggu punye tunggu utk minah kat video tu tanye soalan aku kat aaron tapi still x de jodoh...
pastu tuk kali kedue aku tanye lagi soalan same kat aaron...

pastu....tibe2...minah tu tye aaron soalan yg aku bagi...huhhh...x sangka soalan aku ditanye...hehe =)

Ni die video live chat bersama aaron aziz...

Yeay!!..Soalan aku =)=)
min 0.04-0.43

minah: Scene ape yg paling fav sekali dalam nora elena?

aaron: Scene ape yg paling fav...nora elena...malam ni last scene...last scene the part yg saye katelah 3 emosi tu..geram,sedih,happy...3 dlm 1

Thanks Aaron for answering my question;)

As for me, my fav scene in nora elena is in episode 13...
This is my fav scene...this scene make me laugh everytime i watch it...

jom layan...

min 0.18-0.48
elena: good morning,Mr...
st: aaa...Mr Tan here,can i speak to Mr casey,please?
elena: Mr Tan,sorry but casey's not in at the moment,would u like me to leave the message?
st: oh really,can i speak to nora elena nordin,please?
...                                                                                                                                                elena: emm,speaking..
st: hi..i would like to know about my car,how is it doing?
elena: what car?
st: my car,my favourite car lah..
elena: seth,awak ke ni?
... funny lol...=)

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